Boys Over Flowers (2009) is a South Korean television series that is based on the Japanese shōjo manga series Boys Over Flowers (Hana Yori Dango) written by Yoko Kamio. It starred Ku Hye-sun, Lee Min-ho, Kim Hyun-joong, Kim Bum, Kim Joon and Kim So-eun. It aired for 25 episodes on KBS 2 from January 5, 2009 to March 31, 2009. It swept the ratings in South Korea, winning numerous awards and it became so popular throughout Asia that many newer versions of the series were produced.
This Korean take on the popular Japanese manga of the same name tackles complex issues involving outcasts, socio-economic disparity, family, love and friendship.
In Boys Over Flowers, Geum Jan-di, (Ku Hye-sun), a girl from a humble background, is allowed to attend the elite Shin Hwa High School on a swimming scholarship after she saves a student from jumping off the school’s roof. It’s not long, however, before she finds herself being bullied by the leader of F4 (the four richest boys in the school) Gu Joon-Pyo (Lee Min-ho). He is attracted to her but she has a crush on another member of F4, his best friend, Yoon Ji-Hu (Kim Hyun-joong).
Episodes: 25