Alice (2020) or Hotel Alice is a South Korean drama, fantasy, sci-fi romance television series directed by Baek Soo Chan. It stars Joo Won and Kim Hee-Seon. It...
Hi Bye, Mama! is a series starring Kim Tae-hee, Lee Kyu-hyung and Go Bo-gyeol about a mother who dies and can be reincatnated only if she can return to her original life, but her husband has remarried.
Hyena stars Joo Ji Hoon, Kim Hye Soo, and Lee Kyung Young, and deals with very competitive, private lawyers who only work for the richest 1% of society.
In My Holo Love a woman with aphasia, an inability to recognize faces, doesn't believe in love, but she falls for Holo, an AI, and then for Holo's creator, Ko Nan-do.
Crash Landing On You is a love story between a South Korean chaebol heiress who crash lands in North Korean and the North Korean officer who protects her.
A neurosurgeon who dreamed of being a chef, cooked a meal for a little girl when they were children inspiring her to become a chef. Years later they meet again working at a hospice.
My Country: The New Age (2019) is a South Korean action, drama, history television series starring Yang Se-jong, Woo Do-hwan, Kim Seol-hyun and Jang Hyuk. It aired on...
What would you do if you found out that you were, in fact, a character in a comic? And an extra character on top of that? Change the course of the story, obviously.