Her Private Life (2019) [Geunyeoui Sasaenghwal] is a South Korean romantic comedy television series, created by Kim Hye-young and directed by Hong Jong-chan. The series stars Park Min-young, Kim Jae-wook, Ahn Bo-hyun, and Jung Jae-won. It was developed by Studio Dragon and produced by Bon Factory Worldwide, the show is based on a Korean novel called Noona Fan Dot Com written by Kim Sung-yeon and published in 2007. The series aired on tvN from April 10, 2019 to May 30, 2019.
In Her Private Life Sung Duk-mi (Park Min-young) didn’t choose the fangirl life, the fangirl life chose her, and she is a very successful fangirl. She is Sinagil, #1 homepage master for her idol Cha Si-an (Jung Jae-won) of the boy group, White Ocean and she eats, breathes, and sleeps Shi An. But in order to keep her job as the exceptional, and very professional, curator of the Cheum Museum of Art, she has to keep her private life private. Meanwhile, her new boss, the standoffish and very strict art director, Ryan Gold (Kim Jae-wook) becomes her passionate fan-boy.
Episodes: 16