Rich Man, Poor Woman (2012) is a Japanese Television series that aired from July 9, 2012 through July 17, 2012 on Fuji TV. It stars Oguri Shun as Hyuga Toru and Ishihara Satomi as Sawaki Chihiro.
Rich Man, Poor Woman (2012) is about Sawaki Chihiro (Ishihara Satomi) is a hardworking student from Tokyo University who, after graduating, is having trouble finding a job due to her lack of experience. At a job fair she meets Hyuga Toru (Oguri Shun), the 29 year old billionaire CEO of a software firm and head of ‘Next Innovation’ company. He dismisses her because she hasn’t met his requirement that she already have job offers from two other companies. Frustrated about his treatment of her, she begins to rattle off all the information she’s learned about his company. Impressed with her memorization skills, he eventually offers her a one day job using those skills so that he can pick up a government contract on a population census and information project. Using her skills at memorization and the fact that she graduated from Tokyo University like the government official who is awarding the contract, he hopes this will give him and edge in acquiring the contract. It does give him an edge, but not where he expects it after Sawaki Chihiro realizes that Toru Hyuga isn’t sich and awful person and the pureness and loneliness she sees in him leads to her having feelings for him.
Episodes: 11
Language : Japanese Subtitle : Chinese / English Video Format : NTSC Region Code : ALL Model : DVD9 Discs : 2